Profitable "TrendProphetEAv2"Trading System (Handelssystem)
- Profitable stocks robot "TrendProphetEAv2"
- Starting capital (10 Futures Contracts)
on Sep/01/2023: 25,000 US$
- Backtest Performance: from Sep/01/2023 - Aug/31/2024
(1 year) + 1,524,000.00 US$ (10 Futures Contracts ENQ E-Mini Nasdaq 100) Profit factor: 4.77
- Price for the EA: 2,500.00 UN$ via
- In reality one would adjust/increase the number of the futures contracts (lots) over time
- For Trading-Software: MetaTrader 5
- Broker: AMP Futures
- Max. 10 copies available (9 copies left)
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© 1976-2024 by
BoersenRoboter.comA division of Willi Rauffer (Founder of Boerse.FM,
50 years stocks and programming experience) 28 years daytrading experience Willinger Str. 21 D-83043 Bad Aibling/Munich
Tel. 0049 (0)8061 34 888-10
eMail: willi (at) rauffer (dot) org